Kunstraum Baden 24. April - 27. June 2021
opening day:
Saturday 24. April 12 - 6 pm

In her upcoming exhibition “桃花源 Land of Peach Blossom” Nici Jost has focused on the role of the colour pink in China. During her six month residency in 2018 at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai she had the opportunity to discover how pink is perceived in the Chinese culture. The focus on the colour pink in China has proven enormously productive. As a way to orient oneself in an overwhelming flood of impressions, but surprisingly also as a tool that allows deeper insights into the social and cultural complexity of China. The exhibition is a multimedia installation presented like a Chinese market with photographs, videos, audio and actual everyday objects the artist brought back from China.
The exhibition was made possible thanks to generous contributions from Sinokultur, the Jubilee Foundation of Mobiliar Genossenschaft and the Foundation Erna & Curt Burgauer Foundation. The annual program of the Kunstraum Baden is supported by the Aargauer Kuratorium, the Migros Kulturprozent and the municipality of Ennetbaden. A big thanks!
Opening hours
(free admission)
Wed to Fri 14-17 h, Sat & Sun 12-17 h
Holidays open according to weekday
(Ascension Day May 13 2-5pm, Corpus Christi June 3 2-5pm, Whit Sunday May 23 12-5pm,
Whit Monday May 24 closed)
STADT BADEN, Kunstraum Baden, Haselstrasse 15, 5400 Baden
Eingang: Bahnhof West – Toreinfahrt Regionalwerke
For more information about Events, please check the website of the Kunstraum Baden: