Nici Jost & 万琼 Wan Qiong
ArtCN画廊 Shanghai Thursday, 19. August 2021
19.00 - 21.00
ArtCN 画廊诚邀您莅临8月19日"第六感"为主题的艺术家对谈。本次对谈邀请艺术家万琼与 Nici Jost 分享她们对第六感的反思、以及其对各自创作过程的影响。艺术家万琼将出席对谈现场,与身处瑞士的艺术家 Nici Jost 通过 Zoom 平台连线与我们共同分享她们的创作技艺和视觉语言。观众将潜入她们的灵感世界,深入了解她们选择媒介的缘由以及作品背后的想法。
ArtCN is pleased to invite you to an art talk by Nici Jost and Wan Qiong on the ongoing multi-media group exhibition "The Sixth Sense". Nici Jost will engage with the audience via Zoom as she is based in Switzerland while Wan Qiong will be present at the gallery. Both artists will share with us their own reflections on the sixth sense, its implication and influence on their respective creative processes.
With our special thanks to the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai for their support, We look forward to seeing you on August 19th.
2021.08.19 (Thursday) 19:00 - 19:30 Registration & Refreshments 19:30 - 20:30 Art Talk
20:30 - 21:00 Q&A
Language: Bilingual
About the artists

Nici Jost 是一位概念和多媒体艺术家、摄影师,出生于加拿大班夫,年轻时移居瑞士,目前生活工作于瑞士。2004年,她在瑞士担任摄影师学徒,于加拿大哈利法克斯的新斯科舍社区学院学习摄影,并于2008 年至 2009 年在 Pipilotti Rist 实习。2010年她获得多媒体艺术学士学位,2016 年获得 FHNW/HGK(巴塞尔)的纯艺硕士。2011年,Nici被里恩的亚历山大·克拉维尔基金会授予文化奖。2015 年,她获得了阿尔高博物馆的资助。2018年2月至8月期间,她在上海参加了斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心驻地项目。她的第一本综合性出版物《本能的欲望》,作为Aargauer Kuratorium发行的Primeur系列第8卷,于2019年由fink出版社出版。她的作品在瑞士和国外广泛展出,她的摄影和装置被瑞士、德国、比利时、荷兰、美国、墨西哥和中国的私人或公共机构收藏。
Nici Jost, a conceptual and multimedia artist and photographer, was born in Banff, Canada, moved at a young age to Switzerland, where she now lives and works. After doing an apprenticeship as a photo technician in Switzerland and studying photography at the Nova Scotia Community College in Halifax, Canada in 2004, she worked as an intern for Pipilotti Rist from 2008 to 2009. In 2010 she graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Media Art and 2016 with an MFA from the FHNW/HGK (Basel). In 2011 Jost was awarded the Cultural Prize from the Alexander Clavel Foundation in Riehen. In 2015, she received a grant from the Aargauer Kuratorium. From February until August 2018 she held the Swatch Art Peace Hotel Residency in Shanghai. Her first comprehensive publication, "Instinctive Desire”, was published by edition fink in 2019. It appears as Volume 8 of the series Primeur issued by the Aargauer Kuratorium. Her work has been shown widely in Switzerland and abroad, and her photographs and installations are incorporated in private and public collections in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, United States, Mexico and China.

万琼(1975- )毕业于上海大学美术学院,现从事艺术创作,美术教育和儿童书籍绘制,目前生活并工作于上海。曾参与国内外多次展览活动,作品曾在上海临港美术馆, 刘海粟美术馆分馆,上海全华艺术博物馆,上海徐汇美术馆, 上海美术馆, 柏林Gedok画廊, 上海ArtCN画廊展出。
Wan Qiong (b.1975) graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Art. In addition to her artistic career, she has also been creatively active in art education and children's book illustrations. She currently lives and works in Shanghai. She has participated in several exhibitions in galleries and museums in China as well as abroad: Shanghai Quanhua Art Museum, Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai Lin Gang Art Museum, Liu Hai Su Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Berlin Gedok Gallery, ArtCN Gallery, to name just a few.
For Wan Qiong, compared with other materials, ceramics present uncontrollable factors in the firing process which is full of uncertainty, as well as hope and sometimes disappointment. Wan Qiong thinks that we only see a fraction of what we can actually see compared to what we would like to see in the real world. In fact, what we see is our innermost thoughts and feelings.